oxygen balance中文什么意思

发音:   用"oxygen balance"造句
  • oxygen:    n. 【化学】氧,氧气。
  • balance:    n. 1.〔常作 a pair of ...
  • balance of:    当付款项
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  1. This paper deals with the synthesis of ultrafine diamond ( ufd ) under high pressure and high temperatures generated by negative oxygen balance explosive detonation . the mechanism of synthesis ultrafine diamond by detonation standpoint is presented
    本文从理论和实验两个方面对利用负氧平衡炸药爆轰产生的游离碳,在高温、高压下相变为纳米金刚石( ultrafinediamond简称ufd )作了初步探索。
  2. This paper was detailed to introduce the measurement of main exhaust composition from marine diesel engine . at the same time , this paper discusses the computational method to get exhaust mass flow rate by carbon balance method and carbon / oxygen balance method
  3. The only method to get nox mass flow rate is to know nox concentration in the exhaust and the exhaust mass flow rate . this paper discusses the computational method to get exhaust mass flow rate by carbon / oxygen balance method . besides the traditional computational method , this paper also demonstrates the possibility of applying bp neural network to predict no , emissions from marine diesel engines
    由于大功率船用柴油机本身所固有的体积大、排气流量大以及测量困难等特点,使得排气中no _ x的质量流量不能直接测量,而只能通过测量no _ x的体积浓度并确定排气质量流量或体积流量,才能推算出排气中no _ x的质量流量。


Oxygen balance (OB, or OB%) is an expression that is used to indicate the degree to which an explosive can be oxidized. If an explosive molecule contains just enough oxygen to form carbon dioxide from carbon, water from hydrogen molecules, all of its sulfur dioxide from sulfur, and all metal oxides from metals with no excess, the molecule is said to have a zero oxygen balance.


  1. oxygen at atmospheric pressure 什么意思
  2. oxygen atmosphere 什么意思
  3. oxygen atmosphere seal 什么意思
  4. oxygen atom 什么意思
  5. oxygen bag 什么意思
  6. oxygen bar 什么意思
  7. oxygen bar light 什么意思
  8. oxygen bath 什么意思
  9. oxygen baths 什么意思
  10. oxygen belt 什么意思


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